Traveling with Food Allergies
Flying with Food Allergies
Click here for a list of resources to help you have a safe trip
Click here for: “Safer Flying Strategies for Travelers with Peanut or Nut Allergies”
Allergy policies on airlines vary and can change.
Check with the airline about special accommodations when making your reservation, and again with the actual flight crew when you arrive for your flight.
Make sure to have a sufficient supply of medications (e.g., at least two epinephrine doses) in a carry-on bag.
Bringing your own food is always the safest alternative.
Food names and restaurant cards:
Here are some companies that offer pocket cards (in English and many other languages), translation services, booklets and other resources to help you communicate about food allergies. (free)
Other resources
Click here for “Eating Out with Food Allergies”
These companies offer guidance on choosing restaurants, airlines, and other aspects of travel: