Get involved in our community and share your time and talents with AAFA New England!

Please contact us to help in any of these areas:

Office Work:
We often have mailings to go out, data to be entered, or other small and large tasks that you can do on an occasional or regular basis. Teens can work with us to earn community service hours.

Special Events / Fundraising:
Join a committee or help from home to make our annual “for Life Without Limits” Fall Gala and Golf Tournament events a success.  For example, can you help make phone calls to get ads and sponsors or auction items?

Would you like to help plan and organize a special event for families?

Do you have other ideas for ways to generate income to support our education and outreach programs?

Social Media, Publicity and Public Awareness:
Do you have skills in graphic design, writing or photography?

Are you able to represent AAFA New England at health fairs and other community events?

Can you share your insights into how to “spread the word” about our work via social networking?

Educational Programs:
Are you a health professional who can give presentations as part of our Speakers Bureau or at support group meetings?

There are many other ways to get involved.

Please call or send an e-mail: 781-444-7778 or

We look forward to working with you!