Asthma-Friendly Child Care Checklist

Asthma is the most common chronic childhood disease. Children with asthma have sensitive airways. They are bothered by many things that “trigger” their symptoms, such as dust mites, animal dander, cockroaches, mold, pollens, and exposure to irritating smoke, smells, or very cold air. Children’s asthma can also be triggered by excessive exercise or an upper respiratory infection.

The airways of people who have asthma are “chronically” (almost always) inflamed or irritated, especially if they are exposed to their triggers every day. It is important to know what makes your child’s asthma worse, so you can try to avoid exposure to these triggers as much as possible.

Parents can use the “asthma-friendly” checklist to learn about the measures that child care centers or family day care providers should take to create a safe and healthy environment for your child with asthma. Use the checklist to help you choose a child care setting that provides a healthy environment for kids with allergies and asthma.  Many of the suggestions for avoiding or controlling allergens and irritants also apply to your own home.

Child care providers can use the checklist to evaluate their facilities and policies and learn how to make their center or day care home healthier for the children and staff.


Click here for a copy of the “Asthma-Friendly Child Care” Checklist